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Create your own tulip oasis on your balcony

If you dont have a large garden but a small patio or balcony, you can still create a beautiful tulip oasis. Tulips and other flower bulbs grow perfectly in containers, pots or baskets, so that you can also enjoy the beautiful colors and delicious scents in small outdoor spaces.

For example, create a nice color palette by placing pots or baskets in different heights and fill them with different colors. You can then do one color per pot/basket, but you can also play with colors by mixing different tulip varieties.

Another great idea for your balcony or patio is a vertical garden. To do this, hang different containers or pots one below the other on a wall or fence. Plant the different colors of tulips here and create a playful and colorful effect. With a vertical flower garden, the space appears optically larger and you use the space optimally.


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